Thursday, July 14, 2011

Casey Anthony & OJ Simpson were found Not Guilty! HIDE YOUR KIDS! HIDE YOUR WIFE!

Murder is fine. Just don't lie to the cops.
I've spent the last two years not paying attention to the Casey Anthony Murder trial because the world is already full of enough hatred and evil.  Obsessing over the details of a two-year-old being neglected and killed by her own mother does not solve anything, nor will it bring little Caylee back.
Casey Anthony was not a celebrity prior to committing murder. 
Knowing our U.S. judicial system, it is very clear that only famous people get away with murder. 
During the O.J. Simpson trial, he may have been found innocent, but the civil trial found Justice for Nicole Simpson Brown's family and I hope that the civil courts find justice for Caylee's.  A murderer will show their colors again.  OJ eventually found himself in jail and I hope that Casey Anthony meets the same fate.  
As always, I try to find the comedic light at the end of every tragedy. I tried to find away to make the situation laughable. 
If you think that the Casey Anthony verdict was rubbish and the Tot Mom went free for the murder of sweet Caylee Marie Anthony on technicalities, then you will love this new t-shirt design. 

The OJ Simpson / Nicole Brown Murder trial was one of the most highly watched media frenzies in trial history

"If the glove fits, you must aquit!"

Casey Anthony became a house hold name because this trial. OJ Simpson walked free because of a technicality.  In the infamous words of Antoine Dodson, "HIDE YOUR KIDS, HIDE YOUR WIFE!" 

This is what I know for sure.  When Friday night comes and it's time for a babysitter, I am not calling Casey Anthony.  In fact, I would leave my newborn infant home alone before allowing Casey Anthony to step within 100 yards of my property lines.  Casey Anthony is free.  HIDE YOUR KIDS!  

I also know that not a single sane man would allow his sister, wife, mother or daughter within 100 yards of a moment alone with OJ Simpson. 

This great Casey Anthony t-shirt designs says everything I feel about the publicity of murder and the unjust verdicts that leave a victims family in pain.  The court may have set them free, but the American people know the truth. Show your support for Caylee with these Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wife T-shirts, hats, stickers, koozies mugs and more! Click to Buy!

For Additional Designs Check out Cafepress:

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